The Aluminum Lady Resurfaces

Word in the terminal is that she’s coming back, and she’ll be more trouble than ever.

If you’ve never seen her, the Aluminum Lady is a character developed by Gailen David to parody greedy airline executives. Although, it’s fair to say that the Aluminum Lady isn’t above attacking any kind of greedy executive. 

As a former American Airlines flight attendant, David created the character to bring attention to the corrupt executives and foster support for workers everywhere. David draws on his experience flying through his employer’s bankruptcy and resulting cuts to pay, benefits, and retirement.

Even though David’s flight path has taken him away from working as a flight attendant, he’s still devoting his talents to support the growth of union labor. 

The Aluminum Lady made waves at airline headquarters when she first sashayed onto the scene, but after a temporary hiatus, she’s coming back to the YouTube and Facebook screens. 

After countless requests from fans, the Aluminum Lady and her boardroom of CEO sidekicks are making their triumphant return in time for the kick-off of 2022. The first parody video is a re-release of her famous holiday messages from management.

Our dear Aluminum Lady has faced some turbulence in the past few months. David’s former business partner, jealous of Aluminum Lady’s popularity, hacked the Aluminum Lady YouTube page and deleted all the contents with over 500,000 views.

It got ugly, and unfortunately, our Aluminum Lady suffered for it. But like a phoenix, she’s rising from the ashes to bless our timelines once again.

(The moral of the story: Don’t mess with Gailen David OR the Aluminum Lady.)

As viewers await new content from Aluminum Lady, they can explore “Vintage” clips on Aluminum Lady’s Facebook page. And slowly but surely, Aluminum Lady’s team will restore all of the videos to the YouTube account. It’s a holiday miracle! 

The satirical videos will have you laughing out loud until your stomach hurts. But they bring to mind the deep-seated greed that thrives in corporate America.

Relish in the satisfaction that the fruits of your labor will stuff the stockings of our hard-working executives and shareholders who make all of your jobs possible holiday to holiday.” – The Aluminum Lady’s Holiday Message to Airline Workers

On behalf of us at American Airlines and APFA Headquarters, we want to thank you, the workers of American Airlines, for happily transporting our customers from Point A to Point B during the holiday season. And you do it without holiday pay because you’re just that kind of people, and we’re the kind not to offer it to you.” – Aluminum Lady’s Holiday Greetings

 “Please don’t involve unions, which will only disrupt our generosity. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you!” – Aluminum Lady’s Gift Announcement 2018 

Of course, we can’t boycott airlines altogether. But we can show our support for the flight attendants’ union, AFA-CWAPresident Sara Nelson is leading the charge to fight airline executive greed. Essentially, she’s the Aluminum Lady’s worst nightmare.  

Although she’s making her glorious return for the arrival of 2022, Aluminum Lady provides year-round commentary about airline executives.

In one of her last videos before her hiatus, Aluminum Lady did a staged reading of an actual letter published by American Airlines regarding the implementation of their facemask policy in March 2020. The best part? The rolling captions at the bottom of the screen. 

Airline executives may have to sell a house or private jet and you’re worried about your health?”

“Please disregard every other airline in the world that allows face masks.”

“Contact with hundreds of possibly infected passengers is perfectly safe and good for business!” 

“To avoid disciplinary attendance points, please stay well.” 

When it comes to Jetiquette, no one is exempt. Not even the people at the top of the airline ladder. And Aluminum Lady is coming back to call everyone out. 

Be sure to like Aluminum Lady’s Facebook page and subscribe to her YouTube Channel so you can be the first to watch the new videos as they drop! And if you need to review Our Lady’s previous releases, head to the Facebook video collection to watch them all. 


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