The mouthpiece of greedy executives everywhere!
The Aluminum Lady and her boardroom of CEO sidekick characters were developed by Gailen David to parody greedy airline executives. The bitingly humorous series exposes the manipulative tactics used by management to deny workers a voice in the workplace and the improvement to pay, work rules, and job security they deserve.
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STRIKE ALERT! Aluminum Lady has released an industry-wide CODE RED MANAGEMENT ALL-CALL video for all upper-level airline management personnel. Headquarters is on lockdown due to the unprecedented surge in Flight Attendant solidarity. Flight Attendants at Alaska, American, Southwest, United, and beyond are locking arms and standing up against Aluminum Lady and her CEO sidekicks. #flightattendant #UnionStrong
Aluminum Lady Classics
The Aluminum Lady hops on a call with two Delta Air Lines executives to discuss how they can keep Flight Attendants from gaining the pay, work rule, and benefit improvements they deserve.
The Aluminum Lady refutes facts about harmless cancer-causing chemicals used to treat fabrics of the airline's latest career wear collection.
The Aluminum Lady meets up with airline executives to help them shut down efforts of flight attendants to gain adequate overnight breaks and other minimum rest protections.
Delta Dawn
Delta Dawn will do anything to keep her Delta Air Lines Flight Attendants from going Union. “Don’t question the culture!”
Delta Dawn wants Delta Flight Attendants to brace for impact as the airline suffers summer scheduling slip-ups and staffing shortages.
Holiday Videos
Flight attendants are being warned to watch their mailboxes for the most adorable, strings-attached gift airline management has ever devised.
The Aluminum Lady and her airline CEO pals wish all airline workers a Happy Holiday Season from their luxury hideaway.
Aluminum Lady announces the company’s new electronic union-busting, privacy-invading device, Birdie!
More Vintage Aluminum Lady
The Aluminum Lady experiences a nightmare in which the "little people" give her a dose of her own medicine. She doesn’t like it much.
The Aluminum Lady figures out a way to replace all flight attendants with recruits from the North Pole! Although this TV drama is set at American Airlines, the greed is the same in most executive offices everywhere.
The front-line workers, who’ve been mistreated for years, were thoughtful enough to present some “special brownies” to Aluminum Lady.